There’s nothing like the feeling of finally holding your freshly printed, new license for the first time. This little hunk of plastic will finally allow you the freedom you’ve been dreaming of [...]
Now that winter is upon us, it is time to make sure that we pay extra special attention to the weather, and be sure that we are on track to be safe when we go out on the roads. There are a few [...]
Have you ever made an illegal turn, forgotten to signal or sped past the speed limit? A traffic ticket in which you are convicted of a moving violation is often accompanied by points on your [...]
Although traffic laws are put into place to protect us, there are always a collection of bizarre laws that have somehow been passed. Many laws are created out of common sense and necessity, such [...]
Formalized driver training in the United States begins at various times depending on the state in which you live, but typically starts in the high school classroom sometime between the age of 14 [...]
One of the most important rules for teens driving with a learner’s permit or a probationary license in understanding the Graduated Driver’s Licensing Laws(GDL). Under the GDL, one of the most [...]
Did you know that parents play a critical role in influencing teen driving behavior? Parents are vital role models whose impact makes teens more receptive to learning and gaining useful [...]
With tens of thousands of people injured in car crashes every year, many car companies have invested a lot of time and money into developing safe driving features for their new vehicles. From [...]
Did you know that some of the safest places in the world to drive are Germany, Sweden and the United Kingdom? But what about the United States? Although the U.S does not have the worst driving [...]
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